This website explores the beauty of being present to God, to ourselves, and to others through the practice of mindfulness...the art of embracing all the moments of life, pleasant or unpleasant, with acceptance and curiosity. I hope you find something here to light your way as you explore the path of mindful Christian living.
The Mindful Christian (Fortress Press, 2020) and a A Mindful Moment (Zondervan, 2022) are both inspirational and practical guides for the integration of faith and mindfulness.
Christian Virtue & Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a powerful vehicle for the cultivation of Christian virtues, consistent with centuries of contemplative Christian practice. God dwells in the present moment and invites us to join.
The world is full of wisdom about mindfulness and about the role of present-moment awareness in Christian formation. Trainings, books, and other resources can support you in your journey.
Training & Speaking
Looking for a speaker, a coach, a workshop series, or a self-paced online class on Christian mindfulness? Synchronous and asynchronous training options are available.
Guides for Practice
No need to reinvent the wheel -- a variety of free mindfulness meditation guides & tips are available on multiple platforms, including Christian mindfulness practices through @mindfulxian.
I learn best through stories, and perhaps you do too. Here are some of my own experiences and thoughts related to the practice of mindfulness meditation within a Christian framework.